We work closely with you to customize our training to your needs. Our program is well-received by staff and administrators, and 95% of participants report being “very satisfied” with our training.
Flexible Partnership Model
We offer on-site and virtual trainings and ongoing technical assistance to ensure a long-lasting partnership that supports quality, comprehensive care.
Customized for Providers
Clinicians, health administrators, counselors, case workers, social workers, educators, advocates, volunteers, frontline staff, and others who work with people of reproductive age vulnerable to mistreatment and misinformation will benefit from this training.
Critical Systems Focus
We specialize in helping providers within five of the most critical systems of care for people of reproductive age: domestic and sexual violence, HIV, substance use treatment, primary care, and family planning. We’ve also trained youth and community organizations, behavioral health groups, ministry and clergy, National Guard units, and more.
Our Trainings
Our trainings help you and your staff counsel clients and patients with unintended pregnancy and refer them to high quality reproductive healthcare options.
Feedback from Training Participants & Partners:
“I can’t say enough good things about [the training]. As an Outreach Coordinator, whenever I go to a training, what I always look at is if it is put on competently and does it make sense for the material and the audience? It was brilliant. There was food, a full range of activities (group and individual), there was opportunity for people to share their experiences and ask questions, the networking aspect was fantastic…I was just floored at [the trainer’s] competency, her passion, her compassion, and professionalism.”
“It opened my mind. Some of the information I had going into it was wrong. I am more educated. I am more prepared with this information, while as before I wouldn’t have offered this information.”
“I did feel more educated, empowered, at a concrete level rather than having an abstract knowledge, knowing what to do if a client comes to me with this…they did expand my knowledge on what steps to take if it does come up with a client.”