There are nearly 300,000 Primary Care Providers practicing in the United States.

Physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and physician assistants are highly skilled and see patients of all walks of life, including potentially pregnant women. With nearly half of pregnancies in the U.S. being unplanned, Primary Care Providers (PCPs) should have the tools to ensure patients can make the best decision for themselves regarding their pregnancy.

The comfort level a PCP has in discussing pregnancy options can be a key factor in whether a woman has access to abortion care. PCPs should be prepared to fulfill a patient’s request for abortion or to counsel a client facing ambivalence around a pregnancy. Our Referrals for Unintended Pregnancy Training gives PCPs the most up-to-date resources on abortion care, including best practices for providing unbiased referrals. PCPs can feel confident and secure in the referrals they’re making, as only regulated abortion care providers are included in our resource materials.

Beyond the basics of providing high-quality pregnancy options counseling, our training gives PCPs the best language and practices to care for patients considering abortion, with concrete tools to better serve a patient facing decisions regarding a pregnancy with consideration for their specific needs. Additionally, our training offers insight into managing the complexity of these conversations, including the conflict that providers face when personal values conflict with professional ethics.

In 2018, Provide staff co-authored an article that was published in the Maternal and Child Health Journal. Evaluation of a Training for Health and Social Service Providers on Abortion Referral-Making examines the overall effectiveness of Provide’s Referral Training Program in addition to the impact of the training on the provider’s knowledge of the safety of abortion procedures, ability to conduct abortion referrals, and intention to provide unbiased, all-options pregnancy counseling.

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Primary Care
Primary Care
Family Planning
Family Planning
Substance Use
Substance Use

of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned

75% of U.S. Abortion Patients are poor or low income.

58% of women receiving abortions report that they would have liked to have obtained care earlier.

Together, with your expertise in the care and well-being of your patients, we can help you:

  • Improve patient experience and satisfaction
  • Retain a priority patient population with greater ability to meet patient needs
  • Enhance access to care and reduce health disparities
  • Maximize patient visits with clear, comprehensive tools for options counseling and abortion referrals
  • Design policies and procedures through our Technical Assistance Program to institutionalize client support and referral-making for reproductive healthcare

58% of women receiving abortions report they would have liked to have obtained care earlier.

Together, with your expertise in the care and well-being of your patients, we can help you:

  • Improve patient experience and satisfaction
  • Retain a priority patient population with greater ability to meet patient needs
  • Enhance access to care and reduce health disparities
  • Maximize patient visits with clear, comprehensive tools for options counseling and abortion referrals
  • Design policies and procedures through our Technical Assistant Program to institutionalize client support and referral-making for reproductive healthcare
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Primary Care
Primary Care
Family Planning
Family Planning
Substance Use
Substance Use

The Provide Training Prepares Professionals for Successful Outcomes

were “very satisfied” with the training

agreed by the end of the training that “I have the skills and information I need to effectively refer a client with an unintended pregnancy for pregnancy termination if she requests it.”

agreed by the end of the training that “I have the skills and information I need to effectively counsel a client with an unintended pregnancy on all her options.”

The Provide Training Prepares Professionals for Successful Outcomes

were “very satisfied” with the training

agreed by the end of the training that “I have the skills and information I need to effectively refer a client with an unintended pregnancy for pregnancy termination if she requests it.”

agreed by the end of the training that “I have the skills and information I need to effectively counsel a client with an unintended pregnancy on all her options.”

Would your organization benefit from a Provide training?

Take the quiz and find out!

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